Navigating TimberMark

TimberMark Buyer’s Portal is password protected. Contact us at (877) 65TREES or email at for access. 

Sales & Acquisitions


Timber sales are presented to market and buyers with multiple purchase options and formats.

  1. Bid sales with bid date deadline
  2. Taking offers sales with offers deadline
  3. Taking offers until sold, no deadline (open tracts)
  4. Immediate negotiated sales
  5. Open “listing” sales with purchase price listed


Timberland sales are sorted and linked to TimberMark via our WVLandGroup land brokerage web site   WVLandGroup and Kanawha Forestry may also have non listed timberland & timber sale option tracts not publicly listed on the web site.  These tracts are generally larger investment grade timberlands over 500 acres in size. 


Timber Tracts in One Place

Just click the “Buyer’s Portal” on the home page to enter the file folders with the information on individual tracts of timber. Available information includes:

Tracts Listed by Offer Type and County

In the Buyer’s Portal, the “Timber Tracts Listed” folder will show both “Bid Sales” and “Open Offers” sales. Tracts in both of these folders will be organized by county for buyers to target specific areas. General information on listings can be found on the homepage. 

Receive Updates on new tracts listed

TimberMark account users will receive email updates when new tracts are posted. Our upcoming email newsletter will keep you updated on tracts that are up for bid, deadline offers, open offer and sold. Sign up below to receive your password for Buyer’s Portal access. 

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